Friday, May 6, 2022


Half of the planet's inhabitants will live in areas with water scarcity in 2025, so each drop contaminated today represents an irreparable loss for tomorrow.

For this reason, we must avoid water contamination with measures such as those presented below:

 Reduce CO2 emissions to prevent global warming and ocean acidification. 

Mitigate the use of chemical pesticides and nutrients in agricultural crops. 

Safely reduce and purify wastewater so that, in addition to not polluting, it can be reused for irrigation and energy production. 

Limit the use of single-use plastics that end up floating in rivers, lakes and oceans, many in the form of microplastics. 

Promote sustainable fishing to guarantee the survival of the species and avoid the impoverishment of the mares. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Facts about water pollution

More than 5 million people die each year from drinking contaminated water. 

90% of the water consumed by the world population comes from groundwater. 

One liter of car oil and four liters of paint penetrate the earth, contaminating one million liters of drinking water.

Four liters of gasoline spilled on the ground contaminate three million liters of water. 

Almost 2 billion people on the planet don't have access to drinking water and with the progressive contamination of water it will be increasingly difficult to obtain it, also in developed countries.

Diseases caused by contaminated water have killed more human beings throughout history than any war. 

Even today almost 5 million people die every year in the world because of contaminated water, most of them, if not 99%, in the so-called underdeveloped countries.

These data stir… what do you plan to do? 

Causes of the contamination of the water

Global warming

The increase in the earth's temperature, due to CO₂ emissions, heats the water and this causes its oxygen level to decrease.  

The felling of forests can deplete water sources and generate organic waste that serves as a breeding ground for polluting bacteria. 

Industrial, agricultural and livestock activities.
 Discharges of chemical products from these sectors are one of the main causes of the eutrophication of water.

Garbage and sewage discharge. The UN ensures that more than 80% of the world's wastewater that reaches the sea and rivers is untreated.

Maritime traffic.
 Much of the plastic that pollutes the oceans comes from fishing boats, oil tankers and freight transport.

fuel spills. 
The transport and storage of oil and its derivatives give rise to leaks that can reach water sources.


Monday, May 2, 2022


    Water represents 80% of the composition of most organisms and intervenes massively and decisively in carrying out their metabolic processes; Likewise, it plays an important role in the photosynthesis of plants and serves as a habitat for a large part of human beings.

Water is an element of nature, an
integral part of natural ecosystems, essential for sustaining and reproducing life on the planet, since it is an essential factor for the development of the biological processes that make it possible.